Billy Budd ( English Story)
Herman Melville
August 19, 1819-September 28, 1891
Nationality: American
Birth Date: August 19, 1819
Place of Birth: New York City
Death Date: September 28, 1891
Place of Death: New York City
Birth Date: August 19, 1819
Place of Birth: New York City
Death Date: September 28, 1891
Place of Death: New York City
Assembly as
Representatives of the Human Race. At each spontaneous tribute rendered by the
wayfarers to this black pagod of a fellow- the tribute of a pause and stare,
and less frequent an exclamation,—the motley retinue showed that they took that
sort of pride in the evoker of it which the Assyrian priests doubtless showed
for their grand sculptured Bull when the faithful prostrated themselves.
To return.
in some cases a bit of a nautical Murat in setting forth his person ashore, the
Handsome Sailor of the period in question evinced nothing of the dandified
Billy-be-Damn, an amusing character all but extinct now, but occasionally to be
encountered, and in a form yet more amusing than the original, at the tiller of
the boats on the tempestuous Erie Canal or, more likely, vaporing in the
groggeries along the tow-path. Invariably a proficient in his perilous calling,
he was also more or less of a mighty boxer or wrestler. It was strength and
beauty. Tales of his prowess were recited. Ashore he was Download full PDF File: Click Here
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